hrm ok
i don't see anything about eden from the current archive list
ah looking for eden 2 maybe
2.6.35-6 should have it
A_J, well, I'd ask someone like dax or mjg59 in #ubuntu-x
A_J, but I'm not sure if they've had much time to look at it
hmm ok
A_J, probably best if you're asking about a straight kernel bug though, because it's likely somebody's already mentioned it on that list
A_J, but the next best thing is to use, and look for 'kernel' or 'xorg' :p
(as well as #ubuntu-kernel, depending on your arch)
A_J: You probably need the full kernel headers package; that'll pull in all of the debugging symbols and stuff, which is what triggers it.
so its a problem
*sigh* i'll do some search first :D
A_J: Yes. Ubuntu's kernel isn't on, so it's not included in the source package for that version.
In general, ubuntu kernels can be found in
so how to look for?
Heh. Do you really want to do this?
well i want to know if my nvidia drivers are working right
The system shows up as using Nvidia driver from repositories
but when i check via system -> admin -> restricted drivers it says they are not active.
A_J: Can you pastebin the output of 'uname -a'?
Linux ubuntu-mobile 2.6.24-12-generic
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